Competence vs. Performance: Key Differences in Software Development

Binoy Vijayan - Jul 27 - - Dev Community

Competence and performance are often misunderstood or used interchangeably without a clear understanding of their differences. Competence refers to the underlying knowledge, skills, and abilities that a person possesses, representing their potential to perform a task. It is what someone is capable of doing under ideal conditions. On the other hand, performance is the actual execution or demonstration of these tasks in real-life situations, showing how well someone applies their competence practically.

This means that a highly competent person might not always be a high performer, and conversely, a high performer might not always have high competence. Competence represents the potential and ability to perform tasks, but various external factors can influence actual performance. For example, someone with great musical competence might underperform in a concert due to nervousness or poor conditions. Conversely, a person with moderate competence might perform exceptionally well under optimal conditions or due to other strengths, such as effective practice or adaptability.

In software development, competence refers to a developer's knowledge, skills, and abilities related to coding, problem-solving, and understanding software architecture. This is what the developer is capable of doing under ideal conditions. Performance, however, is the actual application of these skills in real-world projects, which includes meeting deadlines, debugging, collaborating with team members, and adapting to changing requirements.

For instance, a developer might have high competence, knowing multiple programming languages, understanding complex algorithms, and being familiar with best coding practices. However, their performance might not always reflect this competence due to factors such as tight deadlines, inadequate tools, or workplace stress. Conversely, a developer with moderate competence might consistently deliver high performance by effectively managing their time, using efficient coding practices, and leveraging strong teamwork and communication skills.

This demonstrates that high competence does not automatically translate to high performance, and high performance can be achieved even with moderate competence, depending on the circumstances and other influencing factors.

How you can assess whether the candidate will be a good performer:

Behavioural Interviews: Use behavioural interview questions to understand how the candidate has handled specific situations in the past. Focus on questions about problem-solving, teamwork, conflict resolution, and adaptability.

Situational Questions: Pose hypothetical scenarios related to the role and ask how they would handle them. This can give insight into their thought process and decision-making skills.

Cultural Alignment: Assess whether the candidate’s values, work style, and approach align with your company’s culture and values.
Team Interaction: Involve key team members in the interview process to gauge how well the candidate interacts with potential colleagues and fits within the team dynamic.

Portfolio or Work Samples: Review any portfolios, work samples, or project reports they provide to see tangible evidence of their achievements and capabilities.

Achievements and Awards: Consider any awards or recognitions they’ve received that may indicate high performance.

By combining these methods, you can gain a comprehensive view of the candidate’s potential to perform well in your organisation, even without reference checks.

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