Understanding FastAPI: How FastAPI works

Rafael de Oliveira Marques - Jun 30 - - Dev Community

At this point we've seen how ASGI servers and our applications talk to each other and how Starllete, the foundation of FastAPI works.

Now it's time to take a closer look on how FastAPI extends Starllete.

FastAPI, a Starllete app

First of all, to understand how FastAPI works, the are two main sources of information:

So make sure you clone Sebastián's repository and start looking at it.

FastAPI's first entrypoint is FastAPI class, that lives under fastapi/applications.py.

Since we are studying an ASGI framework, we can expect that FastAPI is a callable that receives scope, receive and send, like any other ASGI app:

async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
    if self.root_path:
        scope["root_path"] = self.root_path
    await super().__call__(scope, receive, send)
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We can see that not only FastAPI has a __call__ function as we expected, but it delegates to Starlette the request.

Difference between FastAPI and Starlette when initializing

If FastAPI extends Starlette, it will likely add some functionality during initialization.

When we look at FastAPI's __init__ function, we can see two main things:

  • It add routes to OpenAPI docs on setup function
  • It sets the Router to APIRouter

setup function will add one of the coolest features of FastAPI: It will add a free OpenAPI documentation to our project with Swagger and Redoc.

The APIRouter will be where all your path operations live. Either you add your route directly with your FastAPI app ou creating an APIRouter, all routes will be included in FastAPI's router.

In this post we'll take a better look at FastAPI's routers and routes. We'll leave OpenAPI to a next post.

Request lifecycle

HTTP Request

Since FastAPI is a Starlette app with extra features, we can assume that a request lifecycle using FastAPI will be almost equal to Starlette's request lifecycle.

On the previous post, we talked about how a request will be handled. The chain of middlewares will be something like:

-> ServerErrorMiddleware
    -> Other Middlewares
        -> ExceptionMiddleware
            -> Router
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When working with FastAPI we can see the it is overriding Starlette's Router with it's own APIRouter.

That said, when can see that FastAPI is still relying on Starlette's lifecycle, but it prefers to handle the requests its own way.

So with FastAPI, you'll have:

-> FastAPI App
  -> Starlette's App
    -> Starlette's ServerErrorMiddleware
      -> Starlette's ExceptionMiddleware
        -> FastAPI's APIRouter (and Router, since it don't override Router's __call__)
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FastAPI routers and routes

When we are creating a FastAPI app, there are two main ways to add a route:

Adding a route directly with FastAPI's instance:

app = FastAPI()

async def hi(name: str):
    return {"hi": name}
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Or using APIRouter that is used typically in larger apps:

app = FastAPI()
router = APIRouter(prefix="/v1")

async def hi1(name: str):
    return {"hi": name}

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Since we are trying to understand how FastAPI works, lets see what is happening when we use @app.{verb}:

    def get(
        path: Annotated[
            Doc("... # docs here"),
        ... # other args here
    ) -> Callable[[DecoratedCallable], DecoratedCallable]:
        return self.router.get(
            ... # code continues
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What we can see here is that FastAPI.{get,put,post,etc} are simply decorators that will include the path to APIRouter.

What about FastAPI.include_router?

FastAPI's function include_router will simply call it's own APIRouter's include_router, that basically will iterate through all routes included in your APIRouter and add the route.

    # FastAPI include_router

    def include_router(
        router: Annotated[routing.APIRouter, Doc("The `APIRouter` to include.")],
        ... # other args
    ) -> None:
            ... # other args

    # APIRouter include_router

    def include_router(
        router: Annotated["APIRouter", Doc("The `APIRouter` to include.")],
        ... # other args
    ) -> None:
        for route in router.routes:
            if isinstance(route, APIRoute):
                ... # some logic here

                    prefix + route.path,
                    ... # other args
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Looking at APIRouter.include_router we can see that it handles other type of routes, like Starlette's routes, APIWebSocketRoute, etc...

And when my route function gets called?

When we receive a request, Starlette's Router will be called, since APIRouter don't override __call__. If it finds a matching route, it will call the route's handle function.

handle belongs to Route too, since it is not overwritten as well. What APIRoute does is setting Route's app to Starlette's function request_response, receiving APIRoute's get_route_handler as a parameter.

class APIRoute(routing.Route):
    def __init__(
        path: str,
        endpoint: Callable[..., Any],
        ... # other args
    ) -> None:
        ... # some logic here
        self.app = request_response(self.get_route_handler())
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get_route_handler returns the get_request_handler function. It's here that we start to see the "translation" of Starlette's request to a FastAPI route with dependants, pydantic models, etc.

It will run the run_endpoint_function function. And here is where our route function is being called with all the resolved dependencies, pydantic models, etc.

def get_request_handler(
    ... # args
) -> Callable[[Request], Coroutine[Any, Any, Response]]:
    # logic here

    async def app(request: Request) -> Response:
        response: Union[Response, None] = None
        async with AsyncExitStack() as file_stack:
            # logic here
            errors: List[Any] = []
            async with AsyncExitStack() as async_exit_stack:
                # logic here
                if not errors:
                    raw_response = await run_endpoint_function(
                        dependant=dependant, values=values, is_coroutine=is_coroutine
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Pretty cool the see how the framework you are using handles your code right?

In the next post, we'll take a look where and when FastAPI handles your API documentation.

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