ES6 Mini Crash Course: How to Write Modern JavaScript

Chris Achard - Sep 4 '19 - - Dev Community

This was originally posted as a Twitter thread:

Want to write javascript like a sane person?

πŸ”₯ Here's a mini crash course just for you πŸ”₯

ES6+ JavaScript can actually be FUN to write!

(codesandbox links at the end)


var is dead. Don't use var. 😐

(why? lexical scoping)

If the variable will CHANGE, use let

If the variable WON'T change, use const

var let const


Arrow functions automatically bind this

So it will be what you think it should be 95% of the time

Arrow Functions


If you leave the {} off of arrow functions, it returns automatically

You can leave the the () off around the params if there's only one

The different syntax can be a bit confusing - but you get used to it pretty fast

Arrow function types


You can define default values for function arguments now.

Super handy! πŸŽ‰

Default function arguments


With destructuring assignment, you can pull out specific values from objects or arrays

Commonly used in function signatures too - now you can have named parameters! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

destructuring assignment


There's a new syntax for exporting and importing modules

You can export a single default value, and as many named values as you want from a module

(notice the use of destructuring assignment to import named values!)

import export


Get the "rest" of the values in an object or array with three dots ...

(AKA, the rest operator)

Rest operator


Three dots can also be used to E-X-P-A-N-D an object or array into a new one

This is called the spread operator

(Yes - three dots is both rest and spread. They are different, though conceptually similar)

Spread operator


Backticks can be used to wrap strings now, and are called "template literals"

Inside of backticks, you can use ${} to do string interpolation!

This is much easier than saying: "Hello " + name + "!"

Template Literals


Most browsers now support these features natively! πŸŽ‰

(except for IE 😐)

Most of it works in node except for ES6 modules, but there's a way to fix that πŸ‘‡

ESM Fix in Node


Ok, but WHY is ES6+ JS better?

  • let/const scoped correctly
  • () => {} binds this correctly
  • destructuring assignment, and spread saves a bunch of typing

In short: it removes the hacks, does what you think it should, and less typing means fewer bugs.

Woo! πŸŽ‰


Here's codesandbox links so you can explore:


arrow functions

destructuring assignment


rest/spread & template literals


This mini-crash-course was fun to write! I hope you enjoyed reading it 😁

If you liked it, you can find more by:

Thanks for reading!

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