Firebase made super easy

Alin Climente - Jan 11 '21 - - Dev Community

In a world with tons of website builders and front-end JavaScript frameworks, slowly, but at a constant pace, back-end development becomes easier with each year.

What is Backend as a Service (BaaS)?

BaaS tries to make back-end development easier by providing authentication, database, hosting + other features easy to hook into a front-end framework like React, Vue or just plain Javascript.

Besides Firebase, there are other BaaS open source alternatives like parseplatform, appwrite and supabase.

Introducing Simple Firebase

Most common tasks for any application is to process data, save data to a database, modifying data and retrieve it when needed.

I put together a simple utility library which helps with CRUD operations (files and data) + Authentication.


  • Download file simple-firebase.js to your public folder (where files are compiled);
  • Add simple-firebase.js after firebase inititialization (firebase object needs to be available globaly).

<!-- update the version number as needed or add files from gstatic -->
<script defer src="/__/firebase/8.2.2/firebase-app.js"></script>
<!-- include only the Firebase features as you need -->
<script defer src="/__/firebase/8.2.2/firebase-auth.js"></script>
<script defer src="/__/firebase/8.2.2/firebase-firestore.js"></script>
<script defer src="/__/firebase/8.2.2/firebase-storage.js"></script>
<!-- make sure you use the emulator for debuging -->
<script defer src="/__/firebase/init.js?useEmulator=true"></script>
<script defer src="path/to/simple-firebase.js"></script>

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Under f you have the following:

  • firebase by accessing f.FBS;
  • firebase.firestore() by accessing f.DB;
  • firebase.auth() by accessing f.AUTH;
  • by accessing f.STORE.

In firestore:

  • A collection is similar to a table;
  • A document is similar to a table row;
  • A field is similar to a column;
  • A collection can have multiple documents the same way a table can have multiple rows;
  • Each document has an ID the same way each row in a table has one.

Collections can have endless sub-collections. Almost each function under f is a promise and you can use await or then syntax on them.

Add document(s)

let myDoc = {
    "_id": "my_unique_id", 
    "field_1": "value_1", 
    "field_2": "value_2"

let custom_id = await f.add("collectionName", myDoc)

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This creates a new collection (if not present) and adds myDoc to it with a custom ID ("_id"). If ID is already present, this will replace the existing data with the new one.

let myDoc1 = {
    "field_1": "value_1", 
    "field_2": "value_2"

let generated_id = await f.add("collectionName", myDoc1)

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The code from above creates a new collection (if not present already) and adds myDoc1 to it with an auto-generated ID made by firebase.

The "_id" field is created for both cases in the document (similar to MongoDB Atlas).

The add method will return the ID of the generated document so you can do additional work with it.

Update document(s)

let myOldDoc = {
    "field_1": "value_1"
let myNewDoc = {
    "field_1": "value_1_updated"

let updated_ids = await f.update("collectionName", myOldDoc, myNewDoc)

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This will update the document(s) in the collection where field_1 has value_1 with the new value for field_1. If field_1 is not found, the update will be skipped and updated_ids will be an empty list.

let myNewDoc1 = {
    "_id": custom_id, 
    "field_2": "value_2_updated"

let updated_id = await f.update("collectionName", myNewDoc1)

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This will update the document with the "_id" specified.

Find document(s)

let fDoc = {
    "field_2": "value_2_updated"

let docList = await f.find("collectionName", fDoc)

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The find method will fetch all documents from collectionName where field_2 has the value value_2_updated. The third parameter of find method is a query parameter, which by default is ==.

let doc = await f.find("collectionName", custom_id)

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You can also fetch a document from a collection by its ID.

Delete document(s)

let dDoc = {
    "field_2": "value_2_updated"

let deleted_ids = await f.delete("collectionName", dDoc)

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The delete method will delete all documents from collectionName where field_2 has the value value_2_updated.

let deleted_id = await f.delete("collectionName", IDToDelete)

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This will delete only the document with the given ID.

Upload file(s)

let downloadData1 = await f.uploadFile(afile)

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The result from the uploadFile method it's a json object like:

    path: "/files/hkvyljlrzcf_Screenshot from 2020-12-23 13-04-57.png", 
    downloadURL: ""
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You can later construct the downloadURL from path or use the given downloadURL.

Files will be uploaded automatically in a folder named files with a prefix id by default to avoid file overwrites. The auto generated ID can be disabled by setting the method paramteter generateID (the one from uploadFile) to false. You can also set a custom folder or fileName if needed.

let downloadData = await f.uploadFile(

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Delete file

await f.deleteFile(downloadData1.path)

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Check user auth status

let logged
f.AUTH.onAuthStateChanged(user => {
    if (user) logged = true
    else logged = false 
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Save logged variable to the store of your chosen front-end framework.
Later, you can check, based on logged variable, if the user is logged in or not.

Login/Register user (with Facebook, Google)

// OR

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This methods will automatically create (if not already present) a users collection and it'll save the email and the name in a document with the user's id (uid).

Logout user


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Delete authenticated user


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More features are coming! Checkout this repo

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