How to Retrieve Data from Firestore and Display on WordPress

Dale Nguyen - Nov 2 '19 - - Dev Community

If you are interested in the Integrate Firebase PRO version, read the fully updated documentation:

I wrote a Plugin to integrate Firebase to WordPress a long time ago, but haven’t put a proper guide on how to use it yet. So I start updating some tutorials on how taking advantage of the Integrate Firebase plugin for your WordPress website.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to retrieve the database from your Firestore and display it on the WordPress website. Before that, make sure you have:

  • Install and active Integrate Firebase plugin
  • Update the firebase configuration on the Firebase dashboard
  • Make sure that Firebase security rules allow you to access the document with or without logging in

Step 1: Create a custom shortcode

You can do this by edit functions.php in your current theme

// functions.php

// custom firebase short code 
function custom_firebase_func($atts)
    return "<div id='custom-firebase'>Test</div>";
add_shortcode('custom_firebase', 'custom_firebase_func');
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Test the shortcode on a page or post

Add shortcode to a page/post

Shortcode works!!!

Step 2: Add custom javascript file

Again, you can do this by editing your functions.php

// functions.php

// Custom JavaScript for Firebase
function custom_firebase_scripts_function()
 wp_enqueue_script('custom_firebaes', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom-firebase.js', array('firebase_app', 'firebase_auth', 'firebase_database', 'firebase_firestore', 'firebase'));
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_firebase_scripts_function');
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Your custom-firebase.js will be under js/ folder

custom js location

Verify it on the front-end. You have access to firebase now.

Custom JS shows

Step 3: Retrieve and display data from Firestore

Now, it’s all about JavaScript. You can customize, modify and do whatever you want.

(function ($) {
    'use strict';
    $(document).ready(function () {
        const showFirestoreDatabase = () => {
            const db = firebase.firestore();
            const firestoreEl = jQuery('#custom-firebase');

            // You can get the collectionName and documentName from the shortcode attribute
            const collectionName = 'users';
            const documentName = ‘document-1'

            if (collectionName && documentName) {
                const docRef = db.collection(collectionName).doc(documentName);

                docRef.get().then(doc => {
                    if (doc.exists) {
                        // console.log('Document data:',;
                        let html = '<table>';
                        jQuery.each(, function (key, value) {
                            // You can put condition to filter your value
                            // and it won't show on the frontend
                            html += '<tr>';
                            html += `<td> ${String(key)} </td>`;
                            html += '<td>' + value + '</td>';
                            html += '</tr>';
                        html += '</table>';
                    } else {
                        // will be undefined in this case
                        console.error('Please check your collection and document name in the [firestore] shortcode!');
                }).catch(error => {
                    console.error('Please check your collection and document name in the [firestore] shortcode!', error);
            } else {
                console.warn('Please check your collection and document name in the [firestore] shortcode!');

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Check the code on the WordPress post.

Firestore data retrieved

Yay, firestore data is retrieved

If you are interested in the Integrate Firebase plugin for Wordpress, please give it a read.

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