Step-by-Step Tutorial: Jest Unit Testing in React with Enzyme

Emmanuel Joseph - May 24 - - Dev Community

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Jest Unit Testing in React with Enzyme

In the realm of front-end development, ensuring that your React components behave as expected is paramount. Jest unit testing, in combination with Enzyme, offers a robust framework for behaviour-driven development (BDD) that ensures your application remains bug-free and performs optimally. This technique simplifies identifying issues within React components and streamlines testing strategies by integrating seamlessly with Jest unit testing for React Native, offering a comprehensive solution for both web and mobile development. The importance of adopting effective testing tools such as Jest and Enzyme in the development process cannot be overstated, as they significantly contribute to the quality and reliability of software products.

This article will guide readers through the process of setting up Jest and Enzyme for testing React components, from the initial configuration to writing actual unit tests. It will delve into the specifics of creating mock functions, testing React forms, and leveraging advanced Jest and Enzyme unit testing techniques to ensure your React applications are thoroughly tested. Furthermore, it will explore best practices and testing strategies that align with the principles of behaviour-driven development, using real-world examples to demonstrate how Jest-React integration can enhance the quality of your front-end testing efforts. By the conclusion of this article, readers will be equipped with the knowledge to implement effective Jest unit testing strategies in their React projects, ensuring higher code quality, fewer bugs, and a more efficient development cycle.

Why Unit Testing in Front-end Development?

Unit testing, a fundamental aspect of software development, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the functionality and reliability of individual units or components of code. In the context of front-end development, it serves as a critical tool for developers to identify and rectify errors before they escalate to the end user, thereby maintaining the integrity of the application. The process of unit testing allows developers to detect errors early in the development cycle, facilitating a smoother and more efficient debugging process. By isolating and testing individual pieces of code, developers can ensure each component operates as expected, significantly reducing the time and effort required for error resolution.

Benefits of Unit Testing

Early Error Detection: One of the primary advantages of unit testing is its ability to uncover bugs and errors at an early stage. This preemptive approach to error management not only conserves development time but also simplifies the process of rectifying issues before they integrate with other parts of the application.

Facilitates Code Refactoring: Refactoring, or the process of modifying code to enhance its efficiency and maintainability without altering its external behaviour, is crucial for the longevity of software applications. Unit testing supports this process by providing a safety net, ensuring that modifications do not introduce new errors or compromise existing functionality.

Improves Code Coverage: Code coverage, indicative of the extent to which the codebase is tested, is a key metric in assessing the quality of the application. Through unit testing, developers can identify untested segments of the code, thereby increasing coverage and confidence in the application’s reliability.

Enhances Code Quality: The rigorous nature of unit testing compels developers to thoroughly examine the functionality and potential failure points of their code. This introspective approach promotes the development of robust, reliable, and maintainable code, ultimately improving the overall quality of the software.

Promotes Better Design: The necessity to isolate and test code units independently encourages developers to adopt modular and decoupled coding practices. This not only makes the code more testable but also enhances its readability and scalability.

The Role of Unit Testing in Front-End Development

Front-end development involves the creation and management of the user interface, encompassing elements like formatting, visible text, graphics, and interactive components such as buttons and forms. Unit testing is instrumental in ensuring these elements function correctly across different scenarios and user interactions. By focusing on individual components and functions, unit testing verifies that they perform as intended, laying the foundation for a stable and reliable application.

Given the complexity and diversity of user interface elements, prioritizing tests becomes essential. Developers often start by ensuring basic functionality, such as text visibility and page loading, before progressing to more complex interactive features. This structured approach to testing ensures comprehensive coverage, from the layout and aesthetics to the responsiveness and execution of user requests.


Unit testing is an indispensable component of front-end development, offering a multitude of benefits ranging from early error detection to improved code quality and design. By adopting a systematic approach to unit testing, developers can ensure their applications meet the highest standards of functionality and reliability, ultimately delivering a superior user experience.

Setting Up Jest and Enzyme

Installing Required Packages

For developers starting with a new React application, it is recommended to utilize the Create React App, which comes pre-configured with Jest. This setup simplifies the process as it only requires the addition of a react-test-renderer for rendering snapshots. For those working on an existing application, several packages need to be installed to integrate Jest and Enzyme properly. Key packages include babel-jest for code transformation within the test environment and the react babel preset. These tools work together to ensure that the testing environment mimics the actual application environment.

Configuring Enzyme

Once the necessary packages are installed, setting up Enzyme involves creating a setupTests.js file within the src/ directory of the project. This file is crucial as it configures the Enzyme adapter, which is essential for testing React components. Ensure the file includes the appropriate imports and configuration settings, such as:

import Enzyme from 'enzyme';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';

Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
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This configuration sets up Enzyme with the specified adapter, which should match the React version used in the project. It is also possible to configure Enzyme globally through the package.json by adding a jest entry to specify the setupTestFrameworkScriptFile, which points to the setupTests.js file. This approach avoids the need to import the setup file in each test file.

Adding Scripts

To fully integrate Jest and Enzyme into the development workflow, it is necessary to add specific scripts to the package.json file. These scripts will facilitate the running of tests and the generation of coverage reports. The typical entries in the package.json should include:

"scripts": {
    "test": "jest",
    "test:coverage": "jest --coverage"
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These scripts enable developers to execute tests using Jest and to collect coverage information, which helps in identifying untested parts of the application. The coverage report provides insights into the effectiveness of the tests and highlights areas that may require additional testing.

By following these steps—installing the required packages, configuring Enzyme, and adding necessary scripts—developers can set up a robust testing environment using Jest and Enzyme for their React applications. This setup not only supports the development of reliable and maintainable code but also enhances the overall testing workflow.

Writing Unit Tests with Jest and Enzyme

Writing unit tests is a critical step in ensuring the robustness of React applications. Jest, a testing tool developed by Facebook, simplifies unit testing in JavaScript, while Enzyme, specific to React, provides methods that enhance the testing of React components. This section delves into creating test cases, running tests, and handling snapshots with Jest and Enzyme, guiding developers through the process of establishing a reliable testing environment for React applications.

Creating Test Cases

To begin with, developers should create a React application that can be tested. A simple counter app, which increments a count upon a button click, serves as a practical example. Using Create React App allows developers to quickly set up a project with Jest pre-installed, eliminating the need for additional configuration steps.

  1. Initialize the Application: Bootstrap the project using Create React App to quickly start with a setup that includes Jest.
  2. Write the First Test: Utilize Enzyme's shallow rendering for testing the app's initial state. Shallow rendering enables testing a component without requiring a DOM, by rendering only one level deep.
  3. Simulate User Interaction: Employ Enzyme's simulate() function to mimic user interactions, such as clicking a button, and set expectations for the application's response to these interactions.

Running Tests

Running tests is streamlined with Jest. Once test cases are written, developers can execute them to verify the behaviour of their React components.

  1. Execute Tests: Use the jest command to run the tests. This command looks for files with .test.js or .test.jsx extensions and executes the tests contained within.
  2. Review Test Output: Analyze the output produced by running the tests. Jest will indicate whether the tests passed or failed, allowing developers to identify and address any issues.

Handling Snapshots

Snapshot testing is a powerful feature of Jest that helps ensure the UI does not change unexpectedly. It involves rendering a UI component, taking a snapshot, and comparing it to a reference snapshot file.

  1. Generate Snapshots: When a snapshot test is executed for the first time, Jest generates a snapshot of the component's rendered output and stores it in a JSON file. This snapshot serves as a reference for future test runs.
  2. Compare to Reference Snapshot: On subsequent test runs, Jest compares the current rendered output of the component against the stored snapshot. If there are deviations, Jest notifies the developer, who can then decide whether to update the snapshot or address the changes in the component.
  3. Update Snapshots: If changes to the component are intentional and the snapshot needs to be updated, developers can use the jest -u command to update the existing snapshot to match the new version of the UI component.

By following these steps, developers can leverage Jest and Enzyme to create comprehensive unit tests for React applications. This process not only ensures the reliability and stability of the application but also facilitates a smoother development cycle by enabling early detection and resolution of issues.

Advanced Techniques and Best Practices

Mocking and Spying

Mock functions, also known as "spies," are essential in testing the behaviour of functions that are called indirectly by other codes. By creating a mock function

with jest.fn(), developers can monitor and assert the behaviour of these functions, including their calls, results, and instances. For instance, to mock or spy on React's useState hook, developers can employ jest.spyOn() to observe the state changes within components. This technique is particularly useful in ensuring that components respond correctly to user interactions or internal state changes.

Snapshot Testing

Snapshot testing is a powerful tool for ensuring UI consistency. By rendering a UI component and comparing it to a reference snapshot file, developers can detect unexpected changes. This method is favoured for its simplicity and effectiveness in catching unintended modifications to the UI. Jest enhances this process by using a pretty format to make snapshots human-readable, which is crucial for code reviews. Developers are encouraged to commit snapshots and treat them as part of the regular code review process, ensuring that snapshots remain focused, short, and readable. It's important to remember that snapshot testing complements, rather than replaces, traditional unit testing, offering additional value and making testing more efficient.


Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) are methodologies that guide the development process through testing. TDD follows a Red-Green-Refactor cycle, where tests are written before the code, ensuring that the software design is led by tests. This approach helps in preventing future regressions and increases confidence in the code's functionality. However, it's acknowledged that TDD can be time-consuming and challenging, especially when testing edge cases. BDD, on the other hand, extends TDD by specifying behaviour in a more readable and understandable language, allowing for better communication among stakeholders and ensuring that the software behaves as intended. Both methodologies emphasize the importance of testing in maintaining and refactoring code, thereby preventing the creation of legacy code.

Incorporating these advanced techniques and best practices into the development workflow significantly enhances the quality and reliability of software. By employing mocking and spying, developers gain deeper insights into the behaviour of their applications. Snapshot testing ensures UI consistency, and the adoption of TDD and BDD methodologies guides the development process with a focus on testing, ultimately leading to more maintainable and error-free code.


Throughout this article, we've navigated the depths of Jest and Enzyme to uncover their roles in enhancing the React development experience, rooted in the principles of behaviour-driven development. We've delved into setting up, configuring, and employing these powerful tools to ensure our React components behave as intended, demonstrating their pivotal role in the early detection of errors, facilitating smoother code refactoring, and ultimately bolstering code quality and maintainability. This comprehensive exploration underscores the necessity of integrating these testing frameworks into the development workflow, highlighting their indispensable value in crafting robust, reliable, and bug-free applications.

As we conclude, it's clear that the adoption of Jest and Enzyme goes beyond mere testing; it represents a commitment to excellence in software development. The journey through unit testing, mocking, snapshot testing, and the embrace of TDD and BDD practices illuminates a path towards achieving higher standards of code integrity and application functionality. Encouraging further exploration and continuous learning in these areas promises to elevate the quality of React projects, underscoring a culture of rigorous testing and meticulous development. Embracing these tools and methodologies is not just about preventing errors but about forging software that stands the test of time, technically.


How do I create test cases for React components using Jest and Enzyme?

To create test cases for React components with Jest and Enzyme, start by rendering a simple component, such as a button labelled "Click Me." This involves importing React and the component you wish to test and then setting up your test environment. For example, you might write a React class component with specific props and state management for testing purposes.

What is the process for testing functions in Jest and Enzyme?

Testing functions with Jest and Enzyme involves using Enzyme's shallow rendering method to simulate the component environment. This can include mocking external components or data, such as using MemoryRouter to mock routing. After setting up the mock environment, you can perform tests on your component using Jest's expect method to verify the outcomes.

How can I mock React component methods using Jest and Enzyme?

To mock React component methods with Jest and Enzyme, start by using Jest's jest.mock() function, specifying the path to the component you want to mock. You can provide a mock implementation directly within this function to simulate the behaviour of the real component during testing.

How do you effectively test React hooks with Jest and Enzyme?

To test React hooks effectively with Jest and Enzyme, begin by setting up a basic React project with both Jest and Enzyme installed. Create a custom hook, for instance, one that manages a counter. Proceed to write tests for your hook, ensuring to explain what each test aims to achieve. Finally, run your tests to validate the functionality of your hook. This approach helps in mastering the testing of React hooks.

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