The Journey of Building Gidalo: A Real Estate Marketing Platform

Frederick Aleoke-Malachi - Jul 24 - - Dev Community

Building a real estate marketing platform, Gidalo, has been a journey marked by numerous trials and invaluable learnings. From conceptualizing the idea to bringing it to life, each step has been a blend of challenges and achievements. Here’s a reflection on the journey so far, encapsulating the struggles and triumphs that have shaped the birth of Gidalo. By the way the word Gidalo was created from the words Gida - meaning house in Hausa and Ulo - meaning house in Igbo language, ile - meaning house in Yoruba.

Project Team: Frederick Aleoke-Malachi
Role: Full-stack Software Engineer

After years of honing my skills as a software engineer, I found myself drawn to the world of real estate. I noticed the inefficiencies and frustrations people faced when trying to rent, buy or sell properties. I saw my friends and family members navigate a complex market filled with endless paperwork, hidden fees, and unreliable agents. I knew there had to be a better way.
One evening, as I walked through a bustling neighborhood in Lagos, I overheard a conversation between two friends. They were lamenting how difficult it was to find trustworthy information about available properties. My mind began to race with ideas. What if there was a platform that could simplify the process, bring transparency, and connect buyers,renters and sellers directly?
That night, the concept of Gidalo was born. I envisioned a real estate marketing platform that could revolutionize the way people bought, rented and sold homes. I wanted to create a space where properties could be listed quickly, buyers could find detailed and accurate information, and transactions could be completed smoothly.
I poured my energy into developing Gidalo, leveraging my expertise in backend and frontend development with my passion for real estate. I collaborated with industry experts, ensuring the platform was user-friendly and efficient. My goal was to create a marketplace where trust and convenience were paramount.
For me, Gidalo was more than a project; it was a mission to make the dream of homeownership a reality for everyone.My journey from a visionary developer to a real estate innovator is a testament to my belief in the power of technology to change lives. Through Gidalo, I am not just building a platform; I am creating a legacy of trust, transparency, and transformation.

Conceptualization and Initial Challenges
The inception of Gidalo was fueled by a vision to revolutionize the real estate market by providing a seamless platform for property listings, search and marketing. The initial phase was about understanding the market needs, identifying the gaps, and defining the core features of the platform. This stage was filled with brainstorming sessions, market research, and the daunting task of laying down the project’s foundation.

Defining a unique value proposition that would set Gidalo apart from existing platforms.
Understanding the technical requirements and scalability needs of the platform.
Assembling a team with the right mix of skills and expertise.

Development Phase: Trials and Learnings
Once the groundwork was laid, the development phase began. This stage was a test of resilience and adaptability, with several hurdles to overcome.

  1. Technical Hurdles:
    Backend Development:
    The project is based on the MERN stack. Mongodb, Express, React and Nodejs. Setting up a robust backend to handle property listings, user management, and data storage was challenging. Choosing the right tech stack and ensuring the backend could scale with growing user demands required meticulous planning.
    Frontend Development:
    Creating a user-friendly interface that was both visually appealing and functional involved several iterations and feedback loops. Balancing aesthetics with usability was a key focus.
    Integration Issues:
    Integrating third-party services for features like payment gateways, map services, and email notifications posed several technical challenges. Each integration had its unique set of issues, requiring constant troubleshooting.

  2. User Experience and Design:
    Crafting an intuitive user experience was paramount. Conducting user testing sessions and gathering feedback helped refine the design, but it also highlighted areas needing significant improvements.
    Ensuring the platform was mobile-responsive added another layer of complexity to the design process.

  3. Marketing and Outreach:
    Creating awareness and attracting the first set of users to Gidalo was a monumental task. Developing and executing a marketing strategy that effectively communicated the platform’s benefits required creativity and persistence.

Collaborating with real estate agents and property developers to list their properties on Gidalo involved building trust and showcasing the platform’s potential value.

Accomplishments and Milestones
Despite the challenges, the journey has been dotted with several noteworthy accomplishments.

  1. Successful Launch:

After months of hard work and countless hours of coding, testing, and refining, Gidalo was finally launched. The launch marked a significant milestone, bringing the vision to life and making the platform accessible to users.

  1. User Engagement:
    Seeing the initial set of users sign up and actively engage with the platform was incredibly rewarding. Positive feedback from users validating the platform’s concept and execution was a major morale booster.

  2. Partnerships and Collaborations:
    Establishing partnerships with real estate agencies and property developers was a testament to Gidalo’s potential. These collaborations not only enriched the platform’s listings but also expanded its reach and credibility.

  3. Continuous Improvement:
    The journey has not ended with the launch. Continuously improving the platform based on user feedback, adding new features, and optimizing performance would be an ongoing endeavor. Each update and enhancement is a step towards making Gidalo the go-to platform for real estate marketing.

Property details page
Reflections and Future Directions
Building Gidalo has been an enlightening experience, filled with lessons that go beyond technical knowledge. It has been a journey of resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning.

The challenges encountered along the way have been instrumental in shaping the platform and refining its vision.
Key Learnings:
User-Centric Approach:
Prioritizing user feedback and continuously iterating based on their needs is crucial for building a successful platform.
Technical Agility:
Being adaptable and open to new technologies and methodologies can significantly enhance the development process.
Persistence and Patience:
Building a platform from scratch requires unwavering persistence and patience. I recall an incident of “cannot read length of undefined” in which the line of code highlighted as error was not where the error was, it came from a different directory and I spent 2 days trying to resolve the issue because the feature was critical to our MVP. And guess what? It was a typo. Each setback is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Future Directions:
Feature Expansion:
Adding more advanced features such as virtual property tours, AI-driven property recommendations, and enhanced analytics for sellers.
Market Expansion: **
Expanding Gidalo’s reach to new markets and demographics to increase its user base and impact.
**_Continuous Improvement: _

Keeping the platform updated with the latest technological advancements and user preferences to ensure it remains competitive and relevant.

The journey of building Gidalo has been a rollercoaster ride, filled with highs and lows. Every challenge faced and every milestone achieved has contributed to the platform’s growth and success. As Gidalo continues to evolve, the learnings from this journey will undoubtedly serve as a foundation for future innovations and accomplishments.

Frederick Aleoke-Malachi has always had a knack for seeing potential where others saw obstacles. Growing up in Lagos, he was surrounded by stories of struggle and triumph, of people seeking better lives and opportunities. My family’s journey from modest beginnings to creating a stable home inspired him deeply.

Link to my LinkedIn profile:

Link to project on GitHub:
Link to the deployed project page:

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