Exploring Rendering Strategies: CSR, SSR, SSG, and ISR

Gervais Yao Amoah - Nov 5 '23 - - Dev Community

In web development, the choice of rendering strategy plays a pivotal role in delivering an exceptional user experience. Four key rendering strategies, Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Static Site Generation (SSG), and Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), each offer unique benefits and trade-offs. In this article, we'll delve into these strategies to help you make informed decisions for your web projects.

But what is "Rendering"?

Before we dive into specific rendering strategies, let's clarify what rendering means in the context of web applications. Rendering is the process of generating and displaying the content of a web page, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to the end user's browser. Efficient rendering is essential for fast page loads and a seamless user experience.

Website rendering phases

Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

Client-side rendering (CSR) is a rendering strategy where the server delivers a minimal HTML shell to the client, and the content is generated in his browser using JavaScript. CSR excels in web applications that require a high degree of interactivity and real-time updates.
In CSR, the initial load of a webpage can be slower because the browser must first download the necessary JavaScript files and then render the content. Once the JavaScript is loaded, it takes over, fetching data from APIs and rendering the page. This approach provides a seamless and dynamic user experience, making CSR a popular choice for single-page applications (SPAs) and web apps that require frequent updates.

Client-Side Rendering Illustration


  • Excellent developer experience: Developers have full control over the rendering process in the client's browser, enabling dynamic and interactive experiences.
  • Great flexibility for dynamic content: CSR is suitable for applications with content that frequently changes, such as social media feeds and real-time dashboards.


  • Slower initial load times: CSR can result in slower initial page loads, as the content generation happens in the browser.
  • SEO challenges: Search engines may struggle to index content generated dynamically, affecting search engine visibility.

Examples of Applications:

  1. Social Media Platforms: Websites like Twitter and Facebook employ CSR to provide real-time updates and dynamic interactions.
  2. Single-Page Applications (SPAs): SPAs, like Gmail and Trello, leverage CSR for a fluid user experience.

CSR is a suitable choice for single-page applications (SPAs) and web apps that require dynamic interactivity and real-time updates. It excels in scenarios where users expect seamless and responsive experiences, making it a common choice for social media platforms, project management tools, and real-time collaboration applications.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Server-side rendering (SSR) is a rendering strategy where the web server generates the HTML for a page on the server and sends it to the client. This approach offers several advantages, including better SEO, faster initial load times, and improved performance for users with slower devices. In SSR, the server handles the initial rendering, ensuring that the user receives a fully formed HTML page. This means faster-perceived loading times and better search engine optimization.
However, SSR can be resource-intensive as the server must regenerate the HTML for each request, which can strain the server's resources. Additionally, SSR may not be the most suitable choice for content that rarely changes, as the benefits of pre-rendering may not outweigh the costs.

Server-Side Rendering Illustration


  • SEO-friendly: Search engines can easily crawl and index content, leading to better search engine visibility.
  • Fast initial load times: SSR delivers fully rendered pages directly to the user's browser, resulting in quicker page loads.


  • Resource-intensive: Generating HTML on the server can be resource-intensive.
  • Less suitable for rarely changing content: For websites with content that rarely changes, SSR may lead to unnecessary server overhead.

Examples of Applications:

  1. E-commerce Websites: Online stores like Amazon and eBay often use SSR to ensure SEO optimization and fast loading times for product pages.
  2. News Portals: News websites, including The New York Times and BBC, leverage SSR to provide up-to-date news articles with SEO benefits.

SSR is a preferred option for web applications that demand SEO optimization and pages with frequently changing or dynamic content. It ensures faster initial page loads and is often used in e-commerce websites, news portals, and other dynamic platforms.

Static-Site Generation (SSG)

Static-site generation (SSG) is a rendering strategy that generates all the website's pages at build time, resulting in static HTML files that can be served directly from a content delivery network (CDN). SSG offers excellent performance and SEO benefits, as the HTML files are pre-built and ready to serve. This approach is particularly well-suited for content-heavy websites, blogs, e-commerce sites, and landing pages.
However, SSG may not be ideal for websites with a vast number of pages, as the build times could become lengthy, affecting development efficiency. Additionally, SSG might not be the best choice for websites with content that changes frequently, especially if real-time updates are a priority.

Static-Site Generation Illustration


  • Fast initial load times: SSG delivers pre-built pages directly from a CDN, ensuring speedy page loads.
  • Excellent SEO performance: Search engines favor static content, making it easier to achieve high search engine visibility.


  • Challenging for sites with frequent content changes: Websites with constantly changing content may find it cumbersome to rebuild pages frequently.
  • Not ideal for sites with a vast number of pages: Large websites with numerous pages might face longer build times and increased resource usage.

Examples of Applications:

  1. Personal Blogs: Blogging platforms like Gatsby and Hugo often use SSG to create SEO-friendly, fast-loading blogs.
  2. Landing Pages: Marketing landing pages and campaign websites frequently benefit from the performance and SEO advantages of SSG.

SSG is a strong fit for content-rich websites, blogs, and news portals that prioritize speedy loading times and effective SEO. It is also commonly employed for landing pages and promotional sites where performance and search engine visibility are essential. However, it may not be suitable for websites with numerous pages or frequently changing content.

Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)

Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) is a modern rendering strategy that combines the benefits of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with the ability to cache and serve static pages. ISR allows you to pre-render pages at build time and update them incrementally in response to user requests.
One of the key features of ISR is the ability to specify a revalidation time for each page. Revalidation time determines how often a page is regenerated and updated. When a user visits a page, ISR checks the current time against the revalidation time to decide whether to serve the cached static page or re-render it. If the current time exceeds the revalidation time for a specific page, ISR invalidates the cache for that page and generates a fresh version, ensuring users receive the most up-to-date content. This combination of static caching and on-demand regeneration allows you to maintain a balance between performance and real-time updates.

Incremental Static Regeneration Illustration (Next.js)


  • SEO benefits and real-time updates: ISR provides SEO advantages by serving static pages while enabling real-time content updates.
  • Suitable for dynamic content with periodic updates: ISR is a strong choice for web applications with content that changes periodically.


  • Slightly more complex setup: Implementing ISR may require more development effort than traditional SSR.

Examples of Applications:

  1. Blogs with Frequent Updates: Content-rich blogs that benefit from SEO and want to provide real-time updates can use ISR, as seen in frameworks like Next.js.
  2. News Portals with Timely Articles: News websites that require fast updates and SEO optimization, such as Vercel's implementation of ISR.

ISR is ideal for applications requiring a blend of SEO-friendly, fast-loading static content and real-time updates. It is a powerful choice for websites, blogs, and applications where specific pages need to reflect changes in near-real time. ISR ensures a balance between performance and real-time content updates, making it a popular choice for content-rich blogs, news portals, and dynamic content pages.

Comparing and Deciding

To choose the right rendering strategy, consider the following criteria:

  • Build Time: How quickly do you want to generate pages?
  • Render Time: How fast should pages be delivered to users?
  • Dynamic Content: Is your content highly dynamic or relatively static?
  • Content Update: How frequently will your content change?
  • SEO: How important is search engine optimization for your project?

Carefully evaluating these criteria will help you make an informed decision based on your project's specific requirements.


Choosing the right rendering strategy is a pivotal decision in web development. Each strategy has its strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on your project's specific needs. Understanding the benefits and trade-offs of Client-Side Rendering, Server-Side Rendering, Static Site Generation, and Incremental Static Regeneration will enable you to make decisions that enhance the user experience and optimize SEO.

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