Release Radar · July 2024: Major updates from the open source community

Michelle Duke - Aug 2 - - Dev Community

Whilst the best athletes in the world are competing, our developers are hard at work shipping updates for open source projects. If coding was an Olympic sport, these developers would be winning all sorts of medals. They are building everything from fun side hustles, to groundbreaking technology. Let's take a look at our staff picks for this month's Release Radar; a roundup of the open source projects that have shipped major version updates.

Vitest 2.0

I—like many others—have been using Vitest for testing frameworks. It's powered by Vite and can be used for a range of lightweight unit tests. The new version comes with simplification of the mock function, the option to run suite hooks in a stack, and the tests won't exit if global setup or config has failed. There are tonnes of new features including a new iteration of the Vitest Browser Mode, new additions, lots of bug fixes, and some breaking changes that modify the way you use Vitest for unit testing. Read up on all the changes in the Vitest changelog, and check the documentation for the migration guide.

Vitest for JavaScript code

doggo 1.0

We had to feature doggo, Bluey is an Australian National icon 🐶, and I'm Aussie after all. That aside, Doggo is a modern command line DNS client written in Golang. It outputs information in a concise manner, and supports DoH, DoT, DoQ, and DNSCrypt. It's not just called doggo for the Bluey fans and dog lovers, (even though doggos are the best, sorry cat people), it's inspired by dog written in Rust. Doggo is written in Go, so dog + go = doggo! Congratulations on shipping—and writing—your first DNS client 🥳.

Doggo install and run

Heroku CLI 9.0

If you love using or building Heroku apps, and working from the command line, then the Heroku CLI is for you. It allows you to manage all your Heroku applications from the terminal. This latest update is an architecture update, now with all the core CLI commands built on the oclif platform; an open CLI framework. This means all the output formatting is different, and there are lots of additional flags you can use to manage your apps even more seamlessly. Dig into all the changes in the Heroku release notes.

Installing Heroku CLI

Meteor.js 3.0

Do you need a full stack framework that simplifies web and mobile application development? Then look no further than Meteor.js. It allows developers to use React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, or Blaze for the front end, with a zero-configuration setup, TypeScript support, and RPC APIs. The latest upgrade is a significant transformation of Meteor.js, that modernises the framework, and enhances its capabilities. This is achieved by integrating the latest Node.js features, moving from Fibers to native async/await, Express integration, ARM support, and package updates. Check out all the changes in the new Meteor.js docs.

GoodJob 4.0

I wish I got told "good job" 👍 every single day. Rather than telling you what a good job you did, GoodJob provides a multithreaded, Postgres-based, Active Job backend for Ruby on Rails. This newest version resolves deferred database schema changes, and removes deprecated behaviour. It's been two years since the last major version update, and there are over 100 patch releases from 88 contributors including new batches, bulk enqueuing, labelled jobs, job throttling, dark mode for the web dashboard, and tonnes more. Read about them all in the GoodJob Discussion post.

JavaPermutationTools 6.0

The JavaPermutationTools (JPT) library provides Java classes and interfaces, that enable representing and generating permutations and sequences. Computations can also be performed on these permutations and sequences. The latest changes include various improvements to implementations of algorithms for randomly sampling from arrays, as well as removing previously deprecated interfaces, and a variety of fixes to issues identified by static analysis with SpotBugs. Read more about all the changes in the release notes.

GitHub logo cicirello / JavaPermutationTools

A Java library for computation on permutations and sequences

JavaPermutationTools (JPT): A Java library for computation on permutations and sequences

JavaPermutationTools - A Java library for computation on permutations and sequences

Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Vincent A. Cicirello.


API documentation:

Publications About the Library DOI
Packages and Releases Maven Central GitHub release (latest by date)
Build Status build docs CodeQL
JaCoCo Test Coverage coverage branch coverage
Security Snyk security score Snyk Known Vulnerabilities
Other Information GitHub style
Support GitHub Sponsors Liberapay Ko-Fi

How to Cite

If you use this library in your research, please cite the following paper:

Cicirello, Vincent A (2018). JavaPermutationTools: A Java Library of Permutation Distance Metrics. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(31), 950. .


The JavaPermutationTools (JPT) library provides Java classes and interfaces, etc that enable representing and generating permutations and sequences, as well as performing computation on permutations and sequences. It includes implementations of a variety of permutation distance metrics as well as distance metrics on sequences (i.e., Strings, arrays, and other ordered data types).

Java 17+

We currently support Java 17+. See the following table for mapping between library version and minimum supported…

enioka Scan 3.0

Do you have Android hardware? Are you using barcode scanners? Then enoika Scan is for you. It's an integration library for Android barcode scanners. You can write applications, without worrying about vendor lock-ins. This newest release focuses on improving the user experience, whilst including some new features. It's now easier to start developing with this library since the structure has been reworked into various modules, so you only need to find and work with the module you need. The team has now put together official documentation to make things easier to find.

Ly 1.0

This is one for our Linux and BSD devs. Ly is a lightweight display manager console and UI for Linux and BSD. Essentially it can give you a Matrix look and feel, so you can be than 10x developer. After some time, Ly has gone through a full Zig rewrite, with lots of issues fixed along the way. This leads to the first major release of Ly. Congratulations to Fairy Glade and the team 🙌.

Ly screenshot

PrimeVue 4.0

If you use Vue, then check out PrimeVue, a rich set of UI components for all your Vue based applications. The latest update includes some fixes, updates to documentation, and more. This new version is the public release of PrimeVue 4.0.0-rc.3, so you can view all the changes in the RC release notes.

PrimeVue UI components

go-github 63.0

Google might not be open source themselves, but they do a lot for the open source community. go-github is a Go library for accessing the GitHub API. GitHub API version 3.0 is available, and go-github makes use of this. The latest release changes the enterprise runner to also use ListRunnersOptions, as well as new feature to support the querying of custom organisation roles, which was released by GitHub in November last year. There are also lots of other changes, so make sure you check up on them all in the go-github changelog.

How to use go-github

Release Radar July

Well, that’s all for this edition. Thank you to everyone who submitted a project to be featured 🙏. We loved reading about the great things you're all working on. Whether your project is featured here or not, congratulations to everyone who shipped a new release 🎉, regardless of whether you shipped your project's first version, or you launched 63.0.

If you missed our last Release Radar, check out the amazing open source projects that released major version projects in June. We love featuring projects submitted by the community. If you're working on an open source project and shipping a major version soon, we'd love to hear from you. Check out the Release Radar repository, and submit your project to be featured in the GitHub Release Radar.

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