Inter-process communication: files

Leandro Proença - Jul 13 '22 - - Dev Community

In the previous post we learned that computers evolved to tackle concurrency, the reason why operating systems were created in order to share computer resources with running computer programs.

The main concurrency unit primitive of an operating system is a process. Therefore, OS processes are isolated, which means they have their own memory space.

process isolation

However, eventually we need two different processes to communicate each other, either sending or consuming relevant data.

Because of their nature of isolation, in order to communicate, OS processes need to share a common communication channel.

That's where we get introduced to a technique called IPC, or Inter-Process communication.

Disclaimer: in this article I'll focus on explaining for UNIX-like operating systems. But all the theory and elementary aspects described here, can be used somehow in other operating systems too.

IPC approaches

Historically, as computers, operating systems and runtimes evolved, approaches for IPC have been developed, namely:

  • Files
  • Pipes
  • Sockets

...among others.

Wait...what is a file? Or a socket? Pipes? No idea!. Trust me, it's not that hard to understand.

But in this very article, we're going to focus in the files then file descriptors, leaving pipes and sockets for the next upcoming posts.

How the computer data is stored

The computer storage is the physical location in a computer where data is stored.

Eventually, we need to access some specific data, right?

How can we locate a specific data in the storage?

It's easy. We need to know the range where the data starts and where the data ends. Give to this range a name, then you have a file.

Group all these files into a single system composed by dictionaries, and we have a filesystem.


Filesystem (or fs) is a place in the storage where all our data are stored in the computer.


Knowing that two different processes are isolated in their own memory space and they need to communicate to each other, we have no choices left for IPC but using the fs.

Communication channels

In order for processes to use the filesystem, they need to establish a communication channel. Such a channel uses a special file in the fs, called file descriptor (or fd).

File descriptors

File descriptor is a special file, a unique identifier stored in a file descriptor table pointing to other files or I/O resources.

Standard streams

Every UNIX process comes by default with 3 standard communication channels, also known as standard streams represented by file descriptors:

  • fd 0: standard output (STDIN)
  • fd 1: standard input (STDOUT)
  • fd 2: standard error (STDERR)

Let's see them in action.

$ echo 'Hello'

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It seems pretty naive, right? But let's understand what's happening under the hood:

  • the program echo sends a message to the STDOUT 0 and finishes
  • STDOUT is my computer monitor

Easy as that. Next, we'll see an example using the STDIN:

$ base64 # waits for data from STDIN

## Then I type 'leandro', followed by the ENTER key (CR), 
#### followed by `CTRL+D` to exit from the STDIN interface

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  • the program base64 waits for data from the STDIN 0
  • STDIN is my keyboard
  • I type my name, followed by carriage return*, followed by CTRL+D
  • the program sends the result to the STDOUT 1 and finishes
  • STDOUT is my computer monitor

Look how some programs like base64 can interact with both streams (STDIN and STDOUT).

How about the STDERR?

$ base64 hahahaha

/usr/bin/base64: hahahaha: No such file or directory
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As it waits for STDIN, the program itself raises an error to the STDERR, which by default in most programs is the STDOUT.

That's why we see the error in the screen monitor :)

Stream redirection

What if we wanted to redirect standard streams to another fd, or even to another file?

Yes, it is possible. We can use the operator > for STDOUT/STDERR and the operator < for STDIN. Sounds familiar?

Redirecting the STDOUT 1 to another file:

$ echo 'Hello' 1> message.txt
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Then we can use the program cat to read the file:

$ cat message.txt 

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Needless to say that the program cat sends the content to the STDOUT!

Going back to the base64 example, how could we redirect the STDERR to another file, instead of STDOUT? Yes, using 2>!

$ base64 hahahaha 2> err.txt
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Great, now let's "cat it":

$ cat err.txt 

/usr/bin/base64: hahahaha: No such file or directory
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Superb! We're almost there!

Oh, yes, I was almost forgetting. By default, the fd used when we redirect using only > is the fd 1, or STDOUT.

That's why we see many examples like this one:

$ echo 'leandro' > message.txt 
$ echo 'leandro' 1> message.txt # it's the same!
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We can even use multiple redirections at the same command:

$ echo 'leandro' > message.txt 2> errors.txt
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Or, in case we want to concentrate* errors and messages in the same place but the STDOUT:

echo 'some message' > out.log 2>&1
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The &1 means the current stream for the fd 1. In other words, we are redirecting STDERR to the same place where STDOUT was redirected.

We can redirect STDIN too. First, we send some message to a file:

$ echo 'some message' > out.txt
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Then, in the base64 program, we can redirect STDIN to reading directly from the file instead:

$ base64 0< out.txt

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UNIX allows us to remove the 0 because it's redundant, since the operator < is used only for STDIN redirection, right?

$ base64 < out.txt

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Okay, but how two different processes can send messages to each other using the standard streams?

Reading files

This is a naive approach, where a process, using stream redirection, writes to a file. Then another different process reads from this very file.

Process A:

echo 'hello from A!' > process_a_messages.txt
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Then, from Process B:

cat process_a_messages.txt

hello from A!
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Very naive at first, but if we analyse carefully, we can note that:

  • a process called "A" using the program echo, sends a message to the redirected STDOUT
  • another process called "B" using the program cat reads a message from the redirected STDIN, which is the file written by the process A

Making more sense? This conclusion is crucial:

A process's STDOUT is used to be the STDIN of another process

Wow! That's wonderful as it opens infinite possibilities to IPC, such as UNIX pipes which we'll see in the next post.

$ echo 'my precious' > rawcontent.txt
$ base64 < rawcontent.txt
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Using other file descriptors

Apart from the standard streams, can we create more file descriptors and use them for IPC?

Yes. Let's first create a directory where we're gonna store our custom fd's:

$ mkdir /tmp/fd
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Then, we prepare a custom file descriptor 42 that will be our single-communication channel between two processes. First, we open the fd for writing (STDOUT):

exec 42> /tmp/fd/42
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Now, from the process "A", we send a message to the custom file descriptor using stream redirection:

$ echo 'message from the process A' >&42
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As for the process reader, we have to open the fd for reading (STDIN):

$ exec 42< /tmp/fd/42
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And from the process "B", we read the message from the same file descriptor using stream redirection:

$ base64 <&42

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We can't forget to close the fd for both reading and writing:

exec 42<&-
exec 42>&-
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Yay! So much power using only file descriptors for IPC!


This article was a try to resume and explain the fundamentals behind using files as a primitive approach for inter-process communication.

In the upcoming articles we will see other approaches such as pipes, sockets and message queues. Stay tuned!

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