
Margaret Teague - Jan 11 - - Dev Community
Header photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

2024 Goals:

I have three goals I want to achieve this year, and this post is the best way to lay them out.

1. Start a blog.

I want to focus on learning as much as I can this year, whether it be about All Things Dev, or taking courses to improve my resume. And I believe writing about what I'm learning and how I'm learning, regardless of my skill level, will help me stay on track and keep myself accountable. Also, others may benefit by learning from my mistakes and by offering insight into what I've shared.

  • Action steps:
    • I will aim to write at least one post per month, either on this site or my personal website (which is currently under construction).
    • The topics can be about anything: something work-related, something I'm learning on, my current favorite streaming show ... anything at all.

2. Uplevel my skills.

I spent a lot of time last year applying for new jobs. And while I didn't receive any offers (I haven't given up yet!), I did learn that my resume could be seriously beefed up. This is where my second goal for 2024 comes into play.

  • Action steps:
    • I am currently enrolled in several courses on Coursera. I want to complete certifications in mobile development and data analysis this year.
    • I am also going to complete my Bachelor of Science degree this year. While I am a firm believer that a college degree is absolutely not necessary to succeed in tech, and attending college is a privilege not afforded to everyone, I am THIS CLOSE to completing the degree. It's just a matter of marking it off my to-do list at this point.

3. Get a new job!

I've been working as a Web Developer for the last several years and have really loved it. But, I believe I have grown as much as I can within this role and am looking for new opportunities.

  • Action steps:
    • I need to work on my as-of-this-moment completely nonexistent networking skills. So I plan to focus on this by reaching out via this site, LinkedIn, and even attending my first hackathon at some point this year.
    • I would also like to look into working some smaller freelance jobs, either through Fiverr, Upwork, or the like. It would be another great way to network, and my resume will only be helped by the projects I complete along the way.

What are your goals for this new year? Do you have any tips or tricks you plan on implementing to stick to them? Please feel free to comment below and let me know what you're working on!

Hey, look at that! I just completed my first goal for this month!

Ryan from 'The Office' marking off something from a list

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