Install Husky + Commitlint + Lint-staged

Mark - Feb 15 - - Dev Community

This article is base on

We want to enforcing coding conventions before commit to git repository.

Run eslint and prettier before commit code

Install Husky

npm i -D husky
npx husky init
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Install Lint-staged

npm i -D lint-staged
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Change package.json

"lint-staged": {
    "*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}": [
      "eslint --fix",
      "prettier --write"
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#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname "$0")/_/"

npx lint-staged
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Install Commitlint

npm i -D @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional
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Create commitlint.config.js

module.exports = {
  extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']
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npx --no -- commitlint --edit ${1}
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