Diving into React.js

Maryam Ebrahimi - Jul 28 - - Dev Community

what is state in react.js

  • The state is a built-in React object that is used to contain data or information about the component.
  • A component’s state can change over time; whenever it changes, the component re-renders.
  • a component only re-renders when its state or props change

Why we need state

1. To save component's data
2. accessing data between re-renders
3. Re-render with updating data

React state management

In React, there are several ways to manage state, depending on the scope and complexity of your application. Here are some common approaches:

1. Component State (for local state)
For local state management within a single component, you can use React's built-in useState hook (for functional components) or this.state (for class-based components).

2. Context API (for global state)
The Context API allows you to create global state and share it across multiple components without passing props manually through the component tree.
This can be useful for managing things like themes, user authentication status, or other application-wide data.

3. Redux (for complex global state)
Redux is a popular state management library for React that helps manage complex, global state across your application.
It introduces a predictable way to update and access your state using actions, reducers, and the Redux store.

4. Custom Hooks (for reusable state logic)
Custom hooks allow you to encapsulate and share stateful logic between multiple functional components.
You can create your own hooks for managing specific stateful behaviors, such as form validation or data fetching.

5. State Management Libraries
Several other state management libraries exist in the React ecosystem, such as MobX, XState, and Recoil. Each has its strengths and may be suitable depending on your application's specific needs.
Ultimately, the choice of how to manage state in your React application will depend on the complexity of your app, the structure of your component tree, and the preferences of your team.

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