Calling Go functions from C#

Masui Masanori - Jun 4 '23 - - Dev Community


This time, I will call some Go functions from C#.
To do this, I should generate a Go dll file and call it from C#.

Calling with int values

First, I will try sending an int value as an argument of a Go funtion and receiving int value from it.

[C#] CallSample.cs

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CallDllSample;

public class CallSample
    private static extern int CallInt(int num);

    public int CallGoInt(int num)
        return CallInt(num);
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[Go] main.go

package main

import "C"

func main() { }

// publish functions by "//export ~"
//export CallInt
func CallInt(num int) int {
    return num + 3
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Build a dll file

go build -buildmode=c-shared -o dllsample.dll .
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Calling with string values

Because C#'s string type and Go's string type are not compatible, these codes cause an exception.

[C#] CallSample.cs

    private static extern string CallString(string text);
    public string CallGoString(string text)
        return CallString(text);
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[Go] main.go

//export CallString
func CallString(text string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s World!", text)
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Fatal error. System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Repeat 2 times:
   at CallDllSample.CallSample.CallString(System.String)
   at CallDllSample.CallSample.CallGoString(System.String)
   at Program.<Main>$(System.String[])
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To resolve that, I have to use "C.char".

[C#] CallSample.cs

    private static extern IntPtr CallString(string text);
    public string CallGoString(string text)
        var result = CallString(text);
        return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(result) ?? "";
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[Go] main.go

//export CallString
func CallString(text *C.char) *C.char {
    gs := C.GoString(text)
    return C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("%s World!", gs))
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Calling with arrays

To send int array to the Go function, I should convert it to IntPtr.
And to receive int array from the Go function, I should convert from IntPtr.

[C#] CallSample.cs

    public void CallGoArray()
        // Convert from C# int array to IntPtr
        var nums = new int[]{ 4, 2, 5, 8 };
        IntPtr intPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * nums.Length);
        Marshal.Copy(nums, 0, intPtr, nums.Length);
        var pointerResult = CallArray(intPtr, nums.Length);

        // Convert from IntPtr to C# int array
        var results = new int[nums.Length];
        Marshal.Copy(pointerResult, results, 0, results.Length);

        for(var i = 0; i < results.Length; i++)
            Console.WriteLine($"From Go Index: {i} Value: {results[i]}");
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[Go] main.go

//export CallArray
func CallArray(values *, length * {
    // Convert from C int array to Go int array
    cInts := (*[1 << 30][:length:length]

    goResults := make([]int, int(length))
    for i, v := range cInts {
        goResults[i] = int(v)
        log.Printf("From C# Index: %d Value: %d", int(i), int(v))
    // Convert from Go int array to C int array
    results := C.malloc(C.size_t(length) * C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))))
    pointerResult := (*[1 << 30]
    for i := 0; i < int(length); i++ {
        pointerResult[i] =[i] + 2)  
    return (*
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