Day 1: Kicking Off My 21-Day JavaScript Challenge 🚀

Rohit-1301 - Jul 26 - - Dev Community

Hello community! I'm thrilled to share that I've embarked on a 21-day challenge to master JavaScript, guided by the incredible Hitesh Choudhary’s "Chai Aur Code" on YouTube. Today marks the first day of this journey, and I’m excited to dive into the fundamentals of JavaScript.

Here’s what I covered on Day 1:

  1. let, var, and const Keywords:

I explored the nuances of these variable declaration keywords. var has function scope, while let and const have block scope. const is used for constants that won’t change, whereas let is for variables that can be reassigned. Understanding their differences is crucial for writing clean and efficient code.

  1. Data Types in JavaScript:

I learned about JavaScript’s data types, divided into primitive types (such as string, number, boolean, null, undefined, symbol, and bigint) and non-primitive types (objects and arrays). I also delved into type conversion, including how JavaScript handles implicit and explicit conversions.

  1. In-Depth with Strings, Numbers, and Math Functions:

I ran various examples to understand string manipulation, number operations, and mathematical functions in JavaScript. These functions are essential for handling data and performing calculations effectively.

  1. Date and Time Methods:

I explored JavaScript’s Date object and its methods to manage and format dates and times. This knowledge is crucial for tasks involving timestamps, scheduling, and time-based calculations.

I’m documenting my learning journey and code on GitHub. Feel free to check out my repo for updates and progress:


Additionally, I’ll be sharing insights and reflections on LinkedIn, where you can follow my progress:


Stay tuned for more updates as I continue this challenge. Your support and feedback are greatly appreciated!

JavaScript #WebDevelopment #CodingChallenge #FullStackDeveloper #GitHub #ChaiAurCode #DevCommunity

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