Introduction to File Handling in Python

Romulo Gatto - Mar 11 - - Dev Community

Introduction to File Handling in Python

File handling is an essential skill that every programmer should possess. With Python, you can easily read from and write to files, making it a versatile tool for manipulating data stored in various file formats.

Opening a File

Before we can perform any file operations, we need to open the file first. To open a file in Python, you can use the built-in open() function. The syntax for opening a file is as follows:

file = open('filename', 'mode')
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Here, 'filename' refers to the name of the file you want to work with, and 'mode' specifies the purpose of opening the file (e.g., read-only or write mode).

There are several modes you can specify when opening a file:

  • 'r': Opens the file in read-only mode
  • 'w': Opens the file in write-only mode. If the specified filename does not exist, this will create a new empty file.
  • 'a': Opens the existing or creates a new append mode. This allows writing data at the end of an existing text or binary content without truncating it.
  • 'x': Creates and opens a new fresh exclusive creation mode. If these attempts where made on an already existing resulting in exception raising.
  • Other modes include:
    • 't': Open text files (default)
    • 'b': Open binary files

After performing all necessary operations on your opened-file object (file), remember to close it using file.close(). Failing to do so may result in unexpected behavior.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to open and close a text 파일 utilizando o modo de abertura padrão ('r'):

file = open('myfile.txt', 'r')
# Operations on myfile.txt
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Reading from a File

Once the file is open, you can read its contents using various methods provided by Python. The most common method is read(), which reads the entire content of the file:

data =
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Alternatively, you can use readline() to read one line at a time or readlines() to retrieve all lines into a list.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to read and print the contents of a text file:

file = open('myfile.txt', 'r')
data =
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Note: Always ensure that your opened files are closed after performing operations on them. Failing to do so may lead to resource leaks and potential data inconsistencies.

Writing to a File

To write data into a file in Python, you need to open it in write or append mode. Write mode truncates any existing content and writes new data from scratch. Append mode, on the other hand, allows adding new content at the end without removing any existing data.

Before writing anything on your target file (either 'w' or 'a'), make sure that it exists; otherwise, Python will create it for you automatically when opening in write-only ('w') mode.

Let's take an example where we want to write some text into our empty/modifiable representation of mytxt.txt Wow! This is truly amazing!!!. Here's how we can do it with Python:

file = open('mytxt.txt, 'a')
text_to_write = "Wow! This is truly amazing!!!"
# Perform write operation
# Close the opened recently used-documentation 

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In this case, 'mytxt.txt' is the name of the file we want to write to, and 'a' specifies that we open it in append mode. We then use the write() method to write the data into our file.

Closing a File

As mentioned earlier, it's crucial to close any opened files once you're done with them. Closing a file ensures that all changes are written and releases system resources associated with it. Failing to close a file can result in memory leaks or loss of data.

To close an open file, simply call the close() method:

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It's important to note that once you've closed a file using close(), further attempts to perform operations on that file will raise an error. Therefore, always make sure you have performed all necessary operations before closing the file.


In this guide, we learned how to handle files in Python effectively. We covered opening files for reading or writing data, reading content from a file, writing content into a file (using both write and append modes), as well as closing opened files correctly.

With this knowledge at your disposal, you can confidently work with various types of files and manipulate their contents according to your needs using Python!

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