Perl Weekly #601 - The bad apple

Gabor Szabo - Jan 30 '23 - - Dev Community

Originally published at Perl Weekly 601

Welcome to the Perl Weekly!

I am ambivalent about writing this and including in the Perl Weekly, but I feel if I don't speak up then how can expect others to do so.

For another perspective on the subject I'd recommend you read this thread by Mohammed Hashim on trust and perspective.

A couple of weeks ago I received an email full of good old antisemitism. It was clearly indicating that it is from one of the readers of the Perl Weekly. It was a tirade of expressions common to white Christian antisemites. Usually also referred to as white supremacists. It is clear that the sender knew what he was doing was reprehensible as he tried to hide behind an anonymous address. However, I am not sure what he wanted to achieve with this message. I guess he was upset that he cannot physically harm me. This person is also a bit slow. He found out that I am a Jew only now and I definitely did not hide this fact. I wonder what will happen when he understands that the other editor is a Muslim. These white supremacists usually hate them too.

This past week was the International Holocaust Remembrance day. Both of my parents went through the Holocaust, but at the end they were among the few lucky ones who survived. My father was born in 1917 so he was well aware of the pre-Holocaust rhetoric. I am quite sure he would be shocked by the level of Jew-hatred that goes on the social networks and in the public sphere in general. More or less with impunity. Both from the right and from the left.

After WWII many Germans said they did not know what was happening. Now we can see what's going on. Unfortunately most people try not to look and don't speak up. They might be afraid to speak up. If they do speak up they usually point to the other side of the political aisle and it gets tagged as partisan politics. The growing anti-Jewish public expressions bother me a lot, but what bothers me even more is that the majority is silent.

OK, now that I got this off my chest, let me mention the Open source development course I started to teach last week. We had our first session, but if you hurry you can still join us and catch up using the videos. If you are interested here is the site that is being generated from the information of the participants. Here is another site where you can see the participants of a similar course I started 4 weeks ago. If you are interested look at this page for the details on how to sign up.

Participants in the course are already blogging about it and soon they will start contributing to Perl-based projects. Most likely CPAN distributions. Join us!

Enjoy your week!

Your editor: Gabor Szabo.


Monty Hall - the comeback!

You're given three doors, A, B, and C. There is a prize behind one. If you choose the right door, you win the prize. What is the prize?

Perl Testing in 2023

This is a quick run-down of how Toby is structuring his test suite. What is the correct mix of unit- and integration-tests? What is the difference between a unit-test and an integrations test? Do you call a test integration test when it involves two microservices? Two modules? Two functions?

Turn this in that

'So well, yeah... this is as much of an incomplete post as it can be, but I set a goal to write/publish something every day, not to always write self-contained meaningful stuff!' I like that spirit!

Just started the OSDC course

The first of several article that will go along the Open Source Developer Course.

Open Source Development Course for Perl developers.

Quick note about caller

This is mostly a mute post, as the code below should say it all SYNOPSIS-style.

Command line counter with plain text file database

I have a series of examples called 'counter examples' where I implement a simple counter in various languages and technologies. This one is in Perl.

Doubtful about release new module AstEval

Flavio coded a new module AstEval but he is doubtful about releasing it on CPAN.

Color Evolution

The most requested feature of the Cellgraph is now in operation: Colors.

PDF document creation with Markup languages

New, powerful features have recently been added to PDF::Builder and PDF::Table, enabling faster and easier high-level generation of PDF documents. The versions are respectively 3.025 and 1.005, and are available on CPAN.

My Favorite Modules: PerlIO::via

PerlIO::via allows you, easily, and with minimal code, to modify an I/O stream before it gets to the reader of the stream. or after the writer has written it.

SPVM improved Exchange API at v0.9684. Welcome to this easy world of type conversion!

SPVM::File::Basename is released. This is the first module of SPVM using regular expressions.


This Week in PSC (095)

The Perl Steering Council

The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 Amazon voucher by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one winner at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month. The monthly prize is kindly sponsored by Peter Sergeant of PerlCareers.

The Weekly Challenge - 202

Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks "Consecutive Odds" and "Widest Valley". If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.

RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 201

Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Missing Numbers" and "Penny Piles" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.

How Many Missing Coins?

Code re-use and smart use of exists makes it really fun. Keep it going.

Pennies by the numbers

Thanks for sharing the related stories on top of clever Raku solutions. Keep it up great work.

Weekly Challenge 201

Smart match in Perl? It is marked deprecated and advised to avoid it. Having said, the end result looks sharp.

The Weekly Challenge 201

Having clever solution is not good enough for James as he shares behind scene story. Incredible.

PWC201 - Missing Numbers

Cute solutions in Perl and Raku equally. Thanks for keeping us enlightened.

PWC201 - Penny Piles

Little overloaded for me, had to read twice to get my head around it. Liked the discussion of SUB.

Perl Weekly Challenge 201: Missing Numbers

Raku flaunts the power so openly every week. You can check out yourself, if you don't believe me.

not satisfied!

Clever one-liner in Raku for "Penny Piles" task, very impressive. Thanks for sharing.

Perl Weekly Challenge 201

Here we go, Perl one-liner giving tough fight to Python. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us.

201: Missing numbers and piles of pennies

Some smart tricks used in the solutions. Thanks for sharing.

The Weekly Challenge #201

Robbie, being partner in crime this week, I was looking forward to his solution. I must confess it was top notch.

Penny Numbers

Ruby in action this week, I am sure you will fall in love. Thanks for your contributions as always.

Missing pennies

Python is not far behind Perl when it comes to one-liner. I am loving it. Well done.

Weekly collections

NICEPERL's lists

Great CPAN modules released last week;
MetaCPAN weekly report;
StackOverflow Perl report.

Perl Jobs by Perl Careers

Senior Perl Developer with Cross-Trained Chops. UK Remote Perl Role

The best senior developers know that variety is the spice of life. Sure, you’ve got Perl chops for days, but that’s not all you can do — and that’s why our client wants to meet you. They’re looking for senior Perl developers, Node engineers, and those with mighty Python and SQL skills to lead their team.

Adventure! Senior Perl roles in Malaysia, Dubai and Malta

Clever folks know that if you’re lucky, you can earn a living and have an adventure at the same time. Enter our international client: online trading is their game, and they’re looking for Perl developers with a strong background in Modern Perl (you should be comfortable with Moose and PSGI/Plack ) and have a passion, drive, and an appreciation for new experiences.

C, C++, and Perl Software Engineers, Let’s Keep the Internet Safe. UK Remote Perl Developer Role

A leading digital safeguarding solutions provider is looking for a software engineer experienced in C, C++, or Perl. You’ll have strong Linux knowledge and a methodical approach to problem solving that you use to investigate, replicate, and address customer issues. Your keen understanding of firewalls, proxies, Iptables, Squid, VPNs/IPSec and HTTP(S) will be key to your success at this company.

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(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo
The articles are copyright the respective authors.

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