Top Extensions for Enhancing Your VSCode Experience

Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi - May 28 - - Dev Community

Top Extensions for Enhancing Your VSCode Experience

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a widely-used code editor known for its flexibility, lightweight nature, and powerful features. One of the key strengths of VSCode is its extensibility, allowing developers to customize and enhance their development environment with a plethora of extensions. Whether you're a web developer, data scientist, or DevOps engineer, there's likely an extension that can make your workflow more efficient. This article will explore some of the top extensions that can significantly enhance your VSCode experience.

Essential Extensions for All Developers

1. Python by Microsoft

The Python extension is a must-have for Python developers. It provides rich support for the Python language, including features such as IntelliSense, linting, debugging, and code navigation.

  • Features:
    • IntelliSense: Autocompletion and code suggestions.
    • Linting: Code analysis to identify potential errors.
    • Debugging: Breakpoints, call stack, and variable inspection.
    • Jupyter Notebook integration: Run and debug Jupyter Notebooks directly in VSCode.

Open VSCode, go to the Extensions view by pressing Ctrl+Shift+X, and search for "Python" by Microsoft. Click Install.

2. Prettier - Code Formatter

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that supports many languages. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its rules, taking the pain out of code formatting.

  • Features:
    • Supports multiple languages and file types.
    • Integrates with VSCode's editor configuration.
    • Configurable options to fit your project's style guide.

Search for "Prettier - Code formatter" in the Extensions view and install it. Configure it by adding a .prettierrc file in your project root.

3. ESLint

ESLint is a static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in JavaScript code. This extension integrates ESLint into VSCode, helping you find and fix issues in your codebase.

  • Features:
    • Linting and code quality checks.
    • Fix problems automatically on save.
    • Customizable rules to fit your project's requirements.

Search for "ESLint" in the Extensions view and install it. Ensure you have ESLint installed in your project (npm install eslint).

4. GitLens — Git supercharged

GitLens enhances the built-in VSCode Git capabilities. It helps you visualize code authorship through Git blame annotations and provides rich repository history insights.

  • Features:
    • Blame annotations: See who changed a line of code and when.
    • Repository insights: Visualize code changes over time.
    • Code lens: Inline git information.

Search for "GitLens" in the Extensions view and install it.

5. Docker

The Docker extension makes it easy to manage Docker containers, images, and compose files. It's an essential tool for developers working with containerized applications.

  • Features:
    • Manage Docker containers and images.
    • Integration with Docker Compose.
    • Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml syntax highlighting.

Search for "Docker" in the Extensions view and install it.

Enhancements for Web Developers

6. Live Server

Live Server allows you to launch a local development server with live reload feature for static and dynamic pages.

  • Features:
    • Real-time reloading of web pages.
    • Configurable settings for custom development needs.
    • Supports a variety of file types including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Search for "Live Server" in the Extensions view and install it. Start the server by right-clicking on an HTML file and selecting "Open with Live Server".

7. Bracket Pair Colorizer

Bracket Pair Colorizer allows matching brackets to be identified with colors. This extension is especially useful for languages with heavy use of nested brackets such as JavaScript and TypeScript.

  • Features:
    • Colorizes matching brackets.
    • Customizable bracket colors and styles.
    • Improved code readability and navigation.

Search for "Bracket Pair Colorizer" in the Extensions view and install it.

8. Path Intellisense

Path Intellisense provides autocompletion for file paths in VSCode. This extension is a great productivity booster, especially for web developers working with complex directory structures.

  • Features:
    • Autocompletes file paths in the editor.
    • Supports relative and absolute paths.
    • Reduces typos and speeds up coding.

Search for "Path Intellisense" in the Extensions view and install it.

Tools for Data Scientists

9. Jupyter

The Jupyter extension for VSCode enables you to create, edit, and run Jupyter Notebooks directly within the editor.

  • Features:
    • Support for Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files).
    • Interactive data visualization and analysis.
    • Integration with Python, R, and other Jupyter-supported languages.

Search for "Jupyter" in the Extensions view and install it.

10. Pylance

Pylance is a fast and feature-rich language support extension for Python, providing rich type information, autocomplete, and docstring support.

  • Features:
    • Type information and type checking.
    • Improved IntelliSense performance.
    • Enhanced docstring support for better code documentation.

Search for "Pylance" in the Extensions view and install it.

11. Excel Viewer

Excel Viewer allows you to view and interact with Excel files within VSCode. This extension is handy for data scientists who frequently work with spreadsheets.

  • Features:
    • Open and view Excel files.
    • Basic data manipulation and filtering.
    • Integration with VSCode's file explorer.

Search for "Excel Viewer" in the Extensions view and install it.

Extensions for DevOps Engineers

12. YAML

The YAML extension adds rich language support for YAML files, including syntax highlighting, validation, and IntelliSense.

  • Features:
    • Syntax highlighting for YAML files.
    • Schema validation and autocomplete.
    • Supports Kubernetes and other YAML-based configurations.

Search for "YAML" in the Extensions view and install it.

13. Terraform

The Terraform extension provides support for HashiCorp Terraform, a popular infrastructure as code (IaC) tool.

  • Features:
    • Syntax highlighting and IntelliSense for Terraform configuration files.
    • Integration with Terraform CLI.
    • Plan and apply commands directly from the editor.

Search for "Terraform" in the Extensions view and install it.

14. Ansible

The Ansible extension adds rich language support for Ansible playbooks, tasks, and variables.

  • Features:
    • Syntax highlighting and IntelliSense for Ansible files.
    • Schema validation and autocomplete.
    • Supports YAML-based Ansible configurations.

Search for "Ansible" in the Extensions view and install it.

Enhancements for Front-End Developers

15. HTML CSS Support

HTML CSS Support provides IntelliSense for HTML and CSS, making it easier to write and maintain front-end code.

  • Features:
    • Autocomplete for HTML tags and attributes.
    • CSS class and ID suggestions.
    • Supports Emmet for faster HTML and CSS coding.

Search for "HTML CSS Support" in the Extensions view and install it.

16. JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets

JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets adds a collection of useful code snippets for JavaScript and TypeScript, speeding up your development process.

  • Features:
    • Common JavaScript and TypeScript code snippets.
    • Supports ES6 syntax and features.
    • Customizable snippets.

Search for "JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets" in the Extensions view and install it.

17. Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense enhances the Tailwind CSS development experience by providing IntelliSense for Tailwind classes.

  • Features:
    • Autocomplete for Tailwind CSS classes.
    • Hover preview for class names.
    • Supports custom configuration and themes.

Search for "Tailwind CSS IntelliSense" in the Extensions view and install it.

Productivity Boosters

18. TODO Highlight

TODO Highlight highlights TODO, FIXME, and other annotations in your code, making it easier to track tasks and issues.

  • Features:
    • Highlights annotations like TODO and FIXME.
    • Customizable keywords and colors.
    • Quick navigation to highlighted comments.

Search for "TODO Highlight" in the Extensions view and install it.

19. Code Spell Checker

Code Spell Checker helps you catch common spelling errors in your code, comments, and strings, improving code quality and readability.

  • Features:
    • Spell checking for code, comments, and strings.
    • Customizable dictionaries and word lists.
    • Supports multiple languages.

Search for "Code Spell Checker" in the Extensions view and install it.


Bookmarks extension lets you create and navigate bookmarks within your code, making it easier to manage large codebases.

  • Features:
    • Create bookmarks in your code.
    • Navigate between bookmarks quickly.
    • Manage bookmarks across multiple files.

Search for "Bookmarks" in the Extensions view and install it.



's extensibility makes it a powerful tool for developers across various disciplines. By leveraging these top extensions, you can tailor your VSCode environment to fit your specific needs, enhancing productivity, code quality, and overall development experience. Whether you're working on web development, data science, DevOps, or any other domain, there's an extension to help you streamline your workflow and improve your coding efficiency.

Start exploring these extensions today and transform your VSCode experience into a more efficient, enjoyable, and productive development journey.

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