How I Turned Feedback into Fuel: A Solopreneur’s Journey

antoniodipinto - Jul 22 - - Dev Community

Hey! Ever felt like networking is the final boss level in the game of solopreneurship? You’re not alone. I’m a developer, and for me, networking was like debugging a never-ending loop — confusing and frustrating. But guess what? I decided to embrace the “sharing is caring” mantra, the social/marketing/whatever-you-want-to-call-it approach. I’m working on, a news API service.

So, about two weeks ago, I gathered my courage, got over my fears, and began posting about my project everywhere, asking for feedback. And that’s when @ayush_saran entered the scene. He dropped some feedback, and we started chatting.

Now, imagine someone giving you advice on the product you built — initially, it felt like being schooled. But Ayush’s suggestions were pure gold.

He didn’t just stop at feedback; he built an MVP for his ideas!

P.R. War

One of his brilliant creations is P.R. War, an app that shows who’s winning the public relations battle between any two topics. A light bulb went off in my head — with the US elections around the corner, what if I use this to check the sentiment between Kamala Harris and Trump? Boom! Instant marketing angle! Check it out: Kamala vs. Trump.

This experience was a revelation. It really made me understand the importance of connections and feedback. Just by asking for feedback, someone ended up using to build something cool. So, if you’re feeling disheartened, remember this: keep connecting, keep pushing. Solopreneurship is a journey that rewards persistence.

Now I see why platforms like Product Hunt and Reddit give badges based on your activity. It’s all about consistency and staying engaged. So, don’t lose hope. Share your journey, seek feedback, and who knows? You might stumble upon the next big thing.

Oh, and a fun side note: I tried to buy the domain but was already too late 😅.


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