How Appwrite Cloud frees up time for freelancers to drive creative solutions

Deborah Emeni - Aug 3 '23 - - Dev Community

Juggling multiple projects, freelancers worldwide often struggle to meet tight deadlines and maintain high-quality work. This struggle not only strains them but also hampers their productivity. For example, freelancers could spend more time on essential tasks for another project instead of spending time on mundane tasks for one job.

Fortunately, tools like Appwrite Cloud exist to help freelancers save time and automate tedious tasks, thereby improving their productivity. Appwrite Cloud offers numerous benefits, allowing freelancers to focus on delivering high-quality work to their clients.

This article discusses the time-saving features in Appwrite Cloud and how you can leverage them as a freelancer.

Why is a time-saving tool essential for freelancers?

Most freelancers strive for maximum productivity to deliver high-quality work and satisfy their clients. They often use time-saving tools to handle repetitive and common tasks such as project management, organization, communication, file sharing, collaboration, task tracking, etc.

Let's explore the importance of a time-saving tool in the life of a freelancer through this illustration below.

A simple illustration of a freelancer managing their work

John is a freelance programmer who handles multiple projects for different clients simultaneously. These projects require his attention and skill. On a regular day, John faces challenges in manually tracking tasks, managing deadlines, and organizing his workflow.

Luckily for John, he discovered a project management tool that could help him streamline processes, centralize project information, automate repetitive tasks, track his time, set reminders, collaborate with clients, and prioritize work effectively.

As a result, John can now spend more time on coding and problem-solving, allowing him to deliver high-quality work promptly and maximize his productivity.

Overview of Appwrite Cloud

Appwrite Cloud is the open-source version of Appwrite, a backend as a service (BaaS) platform that offers a range of features and tools, including time-saving capabilities for freelancers. As a BaaS platform, Appwrite handles the entire backend infrastructure, such as REST API management and server provisioning, relieving freelancers from these responsibilities.

Freelancers can use the Appwrite Cloud platform to easily incorporate features like user management, file storage, and push notifications into their applications without developing them from scratch. Moreover, Appwrite Cloud offers a collaborative environment for freelancers to chat, work together on their apps, and conduct code reviews or issue tracking.

How Appwrite Cloud benefits freelancers

Let’s explore some of the time-saving features Appwrite Cloud offers and how they significantly enhance the productivity of freelancers.

Automated deployment
Freelancers working on multiple projects simultaneously may experience delays in manually deploying their code changes. The manual deployment process can hinder progress when new features must be deployed to production and when obtaining user feedback is crucial. As a result, freelancers might deploy features to production that could adversely affect the user experience, leading to a loss of user trust. This, in turn, would require additional time to fix and update, potentially leaving the client dissatisfied with the freelancer's work quality.

Illustration from freepik

To avoid such situations, freelancers can utilize Appwrite Cloud's automated deployment feature, which automatically deploys their code changes to production. This enhances freelancers' productivity by saving time on manual deployment, allowing them to focus on tasks like debugging or building new features.

The automated deployment feature also prevents deploying bad code changes to production by automatically running a series of tests before deploying the changes.

Several issues may arise when a freelancer fails to handle a traffic spike in an application on time. The application's performance can be affected, leading to downtimes that impact the user experience. Additionally, the business and the client may suffer financial losses, which would reflect poorly on the freelancer.

Illustration from freepik

However, freelancers can leverage Appwrite Cloud’s auto scaling feature, which enables simple scaling of applications up or down based on traffic, without worrying about infrastructure or manual adjustments.

Freelancers have several options for utilizing the auto scaling feature, including:

  • Manual scaling: Freelancers can manually adjust the allocation of resources to their applications, allowing them to handle sudden traffic spikes by increasing or decreasing the resources as needed.

  • Automatic scaling: Freelancers can let Appwrite Cloud automatically scale their applications up or down dynamically, based on the workload.

  • Load balancing: Appwrite Cloud offers load-balancing capabilities to enhance application availability and performance, enabling the distribution of applications across multiple servers.

Real-time monitoring
Real-time updates play a vital role in ensuring high-quality work delivery and optimal application performance. When developers don't receive immediate notifications about errors in their application, they may unknowingly continue working with incorrect information, leading to potential issues in other parts of the application and causing delays in resolving the problem. Consequently, this could waste time and effort and hinder development. Fortunately, with Appwrite Cloud, freelancers can swiftly identify and address issues by promptly receiving error notifications — improving efficiency, client satisfaction, and meeting project deadlines.

Illustration from freepik

Appwrite Cloud offers a real-time feature that allows developers to seamlessly integrate real-time updates into their applications. By utilizing Appwrite's real-time feature, freelancers can create their dashboard to receive timely updates and notifications whenever changes occur, facilitating efficient workflow, troubleshooting, and collaboration.

Automated workflows
Freelancers regularly perform repetitive tasks such as writing code for similar functionalities across various projects, updating and troubleshooting code, conducting software testing, deploying applications, and communicating with clients or team members. The manual execution of these tasks can be challenging, prone to errors, time-consuming, counterproductive, and inefficient.

Illustration from freepik

Automating these repetitive tasks is highly productive, resulting in better accuracy, improved quality of work, and time savings. Freelancers can easily automate these tasks using the Automated Workflow feature provided by Appwrite Cloud, which seamlessly integrates with popular CI/CD tools like GitLab and GitHub Actions.

Freelancers can utilize Appwrite Cloud's serverless functions to configure workflows that perform actions, such as emailing the client whenever a project update is made.

Database management
Freelancers may encounter challenges in creating, managing, and accessing databases for their projects, which can hinder their productivity. These challenges may arise from inefficient database systems or a lack of seamless access to databases, resulting in time-consuming processes for organizing and storing data. Consequently, the quality of work delivered may also be affected.

Illustration from freepik

Nevertheless, freelancers can effectively and securely address these challenges by utilizing the Database Management feature offered by Appwrite Cloud. This feature facilitates the creation, management, and access of databases, enabling freelancers to handle their projects in a timely manner and efficiently.

Check out this article to create an account and explore Appwrite.


This article explored how Appwrite Cloud saves freelancers time and highlighted the time-saving features of Appwrite Cloud and how they greatly enhance freelancers' productivity.


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