Once Again About UUIDs

Vladislav Zhuravlev - Jul 25 - - Dev Community

Understanding UUIDs: The Universal Unique Identifier

In the digital age, ensuring that every entity (be it a file, database record, or transaction) can be uniquely identified is paramount. Enter UUIDs—Universal Unique Identifiers. These alphanumeric codes provide a way to uniquely tag objects across different systems, ensuring no two identifiers are the same. Let's delve into what UUIDs are, their importance, how they work, and their common use cases.

What is a UUID?

A UUID is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify information in computer systems. They are often represented as a string of hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens, making them both human-readable and compact. A typical UUID looks something like this: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000.

Why are UUIDs Important?

  • Uniqueness Across Systems: UUIDs are designed to be unique across different systems without requiring a central authority to coordinate them. This makes them particularly useful in distributed systems where ensuring unique identifiers is critical.

  • Scalability: UUIDs enable the scalable creation of unique identifiers without needing a central issuing point. This is crucial for systems that need to generate a vast number of unique IDs quickly and reliably.

  • Decentralization: In decentralized systems, where multiple nodes need to generate IDs independently, UUIDs ensure that there are no collisions (i.e., duplicate IDs).

How Do UUIDs Work?

UUIDs are generated using a combination of different elements, depending on the version being used. There are several versions of UUIDs, each serving different purposes:

  1. UUID Version 1: Uses the current timestamp and the MAC address of the machine. This ensures uniqueness over time and space but can potentially expose information about the machine generating the UUID.

  2. UUID Version 2: Also known as DCE Security UUIDs, these are similar to version 1 but include POSIX UIDs (User IDs) and GIDs (Group IDs) to enhance security for distributed computing environments.

  3. UUID Version 3 and 5: These are name-based UUIDs. They use a namespace identifier and a name to generate the UUID. Version 3 uses MD5 hashing, while Version 5 uses SHA-1 hashing.

  4. UUID Version 4: This is the most commonly used version and relies on random numbers. The probability of generating two identical UUIDs is infinitesimally small, making them effectively unique.

UUID Version 6, 7, and 8: These are newer versions proposed to address various shortcomings of previous versions and to better support modern use cases:

  • Version 6: Combines a timestamp with random bits, offering more efficient sorting and compatibility with existing UUIDs.
  • Version 7: Based on Unix timestamps and random bits, providing easier sorting and better interoperability with distributed systems.
  • Version 8: Allows custom implementations by letting users specify the format and content of the UUID, giving maximum flexibility.

Common Use Cases for UUIDs

  1. Databases: UUIDs are often used as primary keys in databases to ensure each record is uniquely identifiable. This is particularly useful in distributed databases where records are created in multiple locations.

  2. Session Management: Web applications use UUIDs to track user sessions. This ensures that each session is unique and can be securely identified.

  3. Transaction IDs: In financial systems, UUIDs are used to track transactions uniquely. This is crucial for auditing and tracking purposes.

  4. File Systems: Files and directories can be tagged with UUIDs to ensure they are uniquely identifiable, preventing conflicts and ensuring consistency.

Tools for Generating UUIDs

Generating UUIDs can be done through various tools and libraries, depending on the programming language or platform. For instance:

  1. Python: The uuid library in Python provides functions to generate UUIDs of different versions.
import uuid

# Generate a random UUID (version 4)
uuid4 = uuid.uuid4()
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  1. Java: Java's java.util.UUID class provides methods to generate UUIDs.
import java.util.UUID;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
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  1. JavaScript (Node.js): The uuid package is widely used for generating UUIDs in Node.js.
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');

// Generate a random UUID (version 4)
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  1. Ruby: Ruby's SecureRandom module can generate UUIDs.
require 'securerandom'

# Generate a random UUID (version 4)
uuid = SecureRandom.uuid
puts uuid
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  1. Go: The google/uuid package is a common choice for generating UUIDs in Go.
package main

import (

func main() {
    // Generate a random UUID (version 4)
    uuid := uuid.New()
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  1. PHP: The ramsey/uuid package is a comprehensive library for generating UUIDs in PHP.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

// Generate a random UUID (version 4)
$uuid = Uuid::uuid4();
echo $uuid->toString();
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  1. C#: The System.Guid class in .NET provides methods to generate UUIDs.
using System;

class Program {
    static void Main() {
        // Generate a random UUID (version 4)
        Guid uuid = Guid.NewGuid();
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  1. C++: The boost::uuid library in Boost provides functions to generate UUIDs.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_generators.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>

int main() {
    // Generate a random UUID (version 4)
    boost::uuids::uuid uuid = boost::uuids::random_generator()();
    std::cout << uuid << std::endl;
    return 0;
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In addition to programming libraries, there are various online tools available for generating UUIDs quickly and easily, such as Online UUID Generator. These tools are particularly useful for users who need UUIDs but do not have the programming expertise or time to implement UUID generation in their own code.

These tools ensure that you can generate UUIDs quickly and conveniently, whether you prefer an online tool or an integrated programming solution.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Global Uniqueness: UUIDs guarantee uniqueness across different systems without central coordination.
  • Scalability: They are suitable for systems requiring the generation of a large number of unique IDs.
  • Decentralization: Ideal for decentralized and distributed environments.


  • Size: UUIDs are relatively large compared to other types of identifiers, which can lead to increased storage requirements.
  • Complexity: The randomness and lack of order in UUIDs can make them harder to manage and query in databases.


UUIDs are a powerful tool for ensuring unique identification across systems, playing a critical role in the functionality of modern applications and distributed systems. By understanding their structure, generation methods, and use cases, developers can effectively implement UUIDs to meet the unique identification needs of their projects.

Whether you are developing a new web application, managing a distributed database, or ensuring unique session tracking, UUIDs offer a robust solution for creating unique identifiers, helping maintain the integrity and reliability of your system.

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